Monday, September 29, 2008

Zebra Alliance Groundbreaking

    There is a new Zero Energy Home initiative that is starting in Oak Ridge Tennessee. Four homes that are being designed to reduce their energy consumption by more than 50% will be constructed and studied in this development. Under the partnership between Schaad companies and Oak Ridge National Laboratories known as the Zebra Alliance these homes will be constructed using new construction practices and techniques. Check out their website at for more information. This is has prom,ise to be a very exciting program for East Tennessee and the building community as a whole.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ENERGY STAR HOMES at the Parade of Homes

This Year there will be several homes inculded in the Greater Knoxville Homebuilders Association that will be ENERGY STAR certified Homes. Both PJS Construction and Lake Forest Construction will Showcase their ENERGY STAR qualified Homes.

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